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Re: LDAP on Sarge trouble

In message <2U61G-lW-5@gated-at.bofh.it>, Stephen Touset <stephen@touset.org> writes
On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 20:50 +0100, Joe wrote:
I'm getting this error with ldapadd -v .... run on localhost (default

ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server (81)

I won't be able to say for certain until tomorrow, but I believe that's
because you're not attempting to use simple authentication (the -x
flag), and ldap(search|add|delete) use SASL authentication by default.
Try the -x flag and let me know what happens.

Yes, I am. I went into all that while getting the Woody version going. Here is the original script (adding the -v made no difference to the message):

ldapadd -x -vv -D "cn=admin,dc=jretrading,dc=com" -W -f /root/ldif.add

ldif.add is a suitable LDIF file. As I say, this worked on the Woody machine, and both files were copied without modification. I also tried ldapmodify -a just in case, but with exactly the same result.

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