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can anyone explain this?

Hi all, I already got great advice from this list, so here I go again:
the thing is I can't get "groups" working here and, honestly, I don't
know anyone who can (I have a couple of friends using debian as
breaks down like this, I'm user "rhwinter" and I want to join group
"camera" that root is part of. He creates a file, changes it's group
owner to "camera" and chmod's it to 770 (for educational purposes, of
This is the WEIRD behavior I get:

-----------BEGIN PASTE FROM CONSOLE-----------------
02:02:53 rhwinter@haydn:~$ su
02:02:56 haydn:/home/rhwinter# addgroup camera
Adding group `camera' (1005)...
02:03:05 haydn:/home/rhwinter# addgroup root camera
Acrescentando usuário root ao grupo camera...
02:03:13 haydn:/home/rhwinter# groups
02:03:15 haydn:/home/rhwinter# groups root
root : root camera
02:03:18 haydn:/home/rhwinter# addgroup rhwinter camera
Acrescentando usuário rhwinter ao grupo camera...
02:03:30 haydn:/home/rhwinter# exit
02:03:33 rhwinter@haydn:~$ groups
rhwinter audio
02:03:36 rhwinter@haydn:~$ groups rhwinter
rhwinter : rhwinter audio camera
02:03:44 rhwinter@haydn:~$ ls -l /root/teste
-rwxrwx---  1 root camera 0 2004-10-27 02:04 /root/teste
02:04:26 rhwinter@haydn:~$ cat /root/teste
cat: /root/teste: Permission denied
-----------END PASTE FROM CONSOLE-----------------
(I use portuguese console... so "Acrescentando usuário root ao grupo
camera..." means "Adding user root to the group camera")

how bizarre could that be?!?
does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong?
I already tried loggin' off after creating the group, that didn't
help, which pretty much made run out of ideas. When I check the
'/etc/group'  everything seems ok:

$ cat /etc/group|grep camera

so, if anyone can help me sort this out I really appreciate. By the
way, If you answer to this, please CC a copy to me, since I don't
subscribe to the list...

Thanks a lot!!


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