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lost data when resizing reiserfs

I´m a user of kurumin, a sitro based on Knoppix.
Actually, it´s just a Debian testing.

My HD was divided into a main reiserfs partition and a
swap one. Because I needed a small fat32 partition, I
used Qtparted to shrink the reiserfs one, and then I
used cfdisk to create the fat32 partition (should I
have rebooted the computer before using cfdisk? I
dont´t know.). Then I rebooted the computer, and
received a lot of error messages. A lot of data was
gone, include parts of /home and the whole /var ! I
then backed up my /home into the newly created fat32
partition and run reiserfsck --rebuild-tree on the
reiserfs partiton. All I got was dozens of thousands
of files in /lost+found. I cannot search those files
myself. But I need those data in /home. What can I do?
Is there a way to know wich files in lost+found come
from /home? Is there a software wich may help? Could
software like those from Ontrack help me? Anything
else could help me?

thanks in forward

ps: I´m sorry for the bad English and for the length
of this e-mail.

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