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Re: Idea

In that, in responses to Johnson too, what I want is
the best service for debian users, not for me. If I
have a serious problem using debian, I first will use
google, 95% are already evocated. Second, I will ask
to some of my friends, and then I will ask the
question to the lists.

  I have asked two question to this list since I use
debian. Once about sata raid hardware support since
the beginning of the install, which was not possible a
few months ago, and another time because I don't
understand why a game don't play sound where as Alsa
was perfectly configured. In fact, it needed Oss
emulation to work.

  I would be happy to help, but there are to many
questions in one lists, and overall questions which
answers are in the documentations on debian.org. So I
thought that spliting the lists would have been a good
idea but it seems that some users disagrees. Moreover,
debian list is already splitted in many lists, such as
kernel list, user list, etc... And, as I already said,
you can check question and suscribe to all lists,
everyone could answer and read every list. 

 But If most of people think that the list must not be
splitted, fine, despite it was already discussed, so
I'm not the only one who thought that.

  Sorry, and long tife to debian*.

Longue vie à Debian as we said in French.


Remy HAREL - remy_harel@yahoo.fr 
G.I.C.M. Distributed Systems and IT Team 
Linux registered user #224740

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