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SLRN random-sig files, found this but stilll

looking to set up random sig with SLRN I found this link:

At the end it says one need to create for each quote a single file, my
question is:
what name can I use and or does this scrip just take any files it finds
and uses them as signatures? 


*** start of quoted material***

>From MarcLanger@gmx.de Wed Apr 26 00:44:33 2000
From: MarcLanger@gmx.de (Marc Langer)
Subject: Re: Wechselnde Signaturen =?iso-8859-1?Q?f=FCr?= slrn
Date: 21 Apr 2000 20:30:38 GMT
Lines: 141
Message-ID: <8dqdpe$9d9$1@marclanger.de>
References: <a8sed8.802.ln@Johannes.Segitz.dialin.t-online.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: marclanger.de
NNTP-Posting-Date: 21 Apr 2000 20:30:38 GMT
User-Agent: slrn/ (Linux)
Xref: kalwien.regio.rhein-ruhr.de de.comm.software.newsreader:10648

Am Mon, 17 Apr 2000 13:23:54 +0200 schrieb Johannes Segitz:

>ich habe gehört, dass es für slrn Makros gibt, um die Signatur
>durchzuwechseln. Wo kann ich so etwas zu bekommen, und welche
>sind empfehlenswert?

Hier ist eines:

------- slrn.sl -----------------------------------------------------

define article_mode_hook ()
     variable signature_file = ".randsignature";
     variable newsgroup = current_newsgroup ();
set_string_variable ("signature", signature_file);
define startup_hook () {
system("sigrandom.pl"); }


In der .slrnrc: "interpret slrn.sl".
Das Perlscript (stammt von Stefan Scholl):

----------- sigrandom.pl -----------------------------------------

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: sigrandom.pl,v 1.4 1997/08/10 20:11:14 stesch Exp stesch $
chdir; # go home
$FIFO = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.randsignature';
$fixed = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.sigfixed';
$sigdir = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.Sig';
# $lockfile = '/var/lock/sigrandom.lock';
$lockfile = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.sigrandom.lock';
# --------
sub catch_zap {
    my $signame = shift;
    die "Got SIG$signame";
# --------
$SIG{INT} = \&catch_zap;
$SIG{TERM} = \&catch_zap;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&catch_zap;
$SIG{HUP} = \&catch_zap;
exit if(-e $lockfile);

unless (-p $FIFO) {
    unlink $FIFO;
    system('mknod', $FIFO, 'p') && die "can't mknod $FIFO: $!";
# --- fork
my $pid;
    if($pid = fork) {
        print "sigrandom.pl forked\n";
        sleep 1;
    } elsif (defined $pid) {
        # forked process
    } elsif ($! =~ /No more process/) { # == EAGAIN
        sleep 5;
        redo FORK;
    } else {
        die "***Can't fork: $!\n";
# ---
open(L, ">$lockfile") || die "can't open $lockfile: $!";
print L $$;

srand ($$ ^ time);
while (1) {
    unless (-p $FIFO) {
        unlink $FIFO;
        system('mknod', $FIFO, 'p') && die "can't mknod $FIFO: $!";
    # next line blocks until there's a reader
    open (FIFO, "> $FIFO") || die "can't write $FIFO: $!";
#    print FIFO "-- \n";
    if(open(FIX, $fixed)) {
        while(<FIX>) {
            print FIFO $_;
    if(opendir(DIR, $sigdir)) {
        @randfiles = grep( !/^\./, readdir(DIR));
        if(open(RAND, $sigdir . '/' . $randfiles[rand($#randfiles)])) {
            while(<RAND>) {
                print FIFO $_;

    close FIFO;
    sleep 2;    # to avoid dup sigs


Nun musst Du noch in ~/.Sig/ die Signaturen anlegen: Jede in
eine Datei, ein fester Bestandteil kann in ~/.sigfixed geschrieben

Damit müsste das dann eigentlich funktionieren.

LinuxUser aka Josef Oswald linux.os@chello.at 
registered-linux-user # 134.818 at http://counter.li.org

The box said Windows, NT or better, so I installed Linux :-) 

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