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Re: Adding New Programs

sounds like your in KDE, so the first problem is pretty simple.  if
you right click next to the K menu icon on the taskbar a set of
options comes up, including "menu editor" choose this.  it will show
you a list of the items found in the K menu, in the same arrangement
they are found normally, for your convenience.   under file here you
can choose to add a submenu or an item.   when you add or select an
existing item to modify the right side of the dialog becomes active,
you can map the path to the executable if need be and pick out an icon
that works for you. you can drag anything from the k menu to the panel
to leave a little shortcut.

i gave up on kmail a while back and have been using ximian evolution,
so i am not really sure about your second question


On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 19:18:10 -0400, David Snyder <dsnyder3@covad.net> wrote:
> I've been using Debian Linux for about 1 week and love it.  I'm still trying
> to learn the ropes and have been successful in getting many things
> accomplished.  Getting closer to kissing Windows GOODBYE.
> I have 2 questions and have looked at numerous web sites for answers.
> 1.  I figured out how to add new packaged with apt-get install since I didn't
> install everything I needed initially.  What I haven't been able to figure
> our is how to add these to the desktop or desktop panel.  For example, I
> installed Mozilla and was able to lauch this via the command line but lost
> when attempting to add to the panel.  How is this done?  I'm sure it's easy
> but for some reason I haven't been able to figure it out.
> 2.  I'm using Kontact for my email, calendar, notes, etc.  I like to spell
> check emails before I send, however, I get an error saying ISpell/Aspell
> could not start, be sure to add it to your path.  Is this the path
> in /etc/profile?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> --
> David Snyder
> dsnyder3@covad.net
> --
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