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ARRGH defoma-hints also not working :-/ Re: How can I check if defoma is working correctly?

Well this happens with testing but read on

Josef Oswald <oswald@chello.at> writes:

> I install msttcorefonts and I use defoma.  I have not installed any 
> additional fonts other then those which came with the msttcorefonts
> package. I could add more from my Windows98 directory 
> now in xfontsel in the "microsoft" section I see only comic san;
> georgia; trebuchet; verdana; webdings, are those the only ones that come
> with the msttcorefonts package? 
> Now if I do install others from  Win98, how do I tell defoma that new
> fonts are to be included? 

Now I copied more fonts into /usr/share/fonts/MS-truetype

"man defoma-hints" told me that it would a create a new hints-file, 

root@PURE-JOY-II:# defoma-hints MS-truetype.hints
/usr/share/fonts/MS-truetype/ *.ttf > MS-truetype.hints
gives out this error:

defoma-hints Can't locate FreeType.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 3) line 2.

So thats the end of trying to generate a new hintsfile, 

now the relevant file in /usr/share/defoma/libhint-truetype.pl starts

my @ID_LANG;
my %ID_Region;

    eval ("use FreeType");
    exitfunc(255, "libft-perl is needed.") if ($@ ne '');

    @ENCODING = qw(Symbol Unicode ShiftJIS GB2312 BIG5 WanSung Johab);

    @ID_LANG =

I thought that changing "FreeType" to "TrueType" would solve the problem,
but it did not. 

Josef Oswald 
registered-linux-user # 134.818 at http://counter.li.org

The box said Windows, NT or better, so I installed Linux :-) 

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