Re: knoppix vs standard debian?
Please read .
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 10:11:58 +0000, Scotty Fitzgerald wrote:
> I suppose this means that the declaration of Sarge being stable will force
> security conscious users to migrate to Sarge ( a lot like Gates & Co
> forces people to move by making a "service pack" update and refusing
> support to old service packs.)
Supporting old releases of software becomes more painful the older the
software is. There will continue to be security support for the woody, the
old stable release, once sarge is released as the new stable, but that
security support will be for a limited time giving woody users the chance to
upgrade to sarge in a reasonable timeframe.
> What shell command, exactly, will make debian tell me exactly what kernal
> it is?!
"uname -r" tells you the kernel release's version number.
USDoJ/Judge Jackson: "Microsoft has performed an illegal operation and will
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James Turinsky in alt.sysadmin.recovery
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