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Re: Anyone getting debian forged headers in Email?

Rthoreau <rcall@bellsouth.net> writes:

> I just wanted to warn people about forged headers, The E-mail had an 
> vbs attachment with it, which is even more funny.  Anyway be aware of 
> forged headers, this is the first I have seen,

If it was really your first such mail, you can count yourself lucky. :)
I receive dozens of spam and virus mails with forged, but existing
sender addresses daily.


   ,--.                                          ,= ,-_-. =.
  / ,- )    Martin Dickopp, Dresden, Germany    ((_/)o o(\_))
  \ `-'        http://www.zero-based.org/        `-'(. .)`-'
   `-.                                               \_/

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