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which perl modules have packages?

Howdy once again.

So I've been playing around and I noticed that some perl modules are not
packaged. Specifically I've noticed Term::Interact and XML::Writer::String
are not available using apt-get under Sarge. It might be that I missed the
package, but I don't believe these are available. Can someone tell me what
metric is used to determine which modules are included? Is it version
numbers? Both of these two packages are < version 1, so might they be
considered immature? Sorry for the silly questions. I've looked through the
perl policy [1], but I couldn't find something addressing this question.

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/perl-policy/

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 the most useful idiot      | / \                         
 What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, 
 and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is brought 
 under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of 
 liberty and democracy?
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