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Re: Fluxbox

 John Lowell <johnlowell@ameritech.net> wrote:

|> During my installation a couple of weeks ago, after having chosen to
|> install packages from "testing", I installed fluxbox as my window
|> manager and got a very recent version, 0.9.9. There are a number of
|> differences between this iteration of fluxbox and the earlier one,
|> 0.1.14, of course. Frankly, I prefer the way flux renders the
|> particular style I've chosen in the 0.1.14 version and would like to
|> install it but I've been cautioned not to mix packages from the
|> various Debian versions. Can anything be done to accomodate this
|> desire short of reinstallation and choosing "stable"? If so, what?

The ability to downgrade a specific package is not officially
supported[1], but you can always download the deb file from the stable
archive and install it manually with dpkg -i . This will be feasible
or not, I suppose, depending on how complex the dependency-structure
for the package is. Just trying it will probably quickly give you a
sense of how tedious or dangerous it might be to manually install all
the dependencies.

I run mixed systems and have had no problems in general. In fact the
ability to fine-tune a system to one's needs in this way, is 
one of the features of recent Debian that I really value,


[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-package.en.html
    Section 6.2.5

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