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Re: Sarge not printing

Filipi Vianna <filipi <at> em.pucrs.br> writes:

> I'm using a Linux box with sarge, with the following characteristics:
> lpr - BSD lpr/lpd
> gs-esp - Ghostscript
> apsfilter
> a2ps
> Everything were set up the same way I always did.
> The apsfilter test works fine, the test page was printed.
> I did restart the daemon
> /etc/init.d/lpd stop
> /etc/init.d/lpd start
> But when I try to print with lpr or enscript (like I always did),
> and nothing happen.


Nothings happens, because ghostscript bombs out before anything _can_ happen.

I was in the same boat, with the same oars, as it were.  

I couldn't fix it.

"Error: /undefined in ^Ountdictstack", to quote /var/spool/lpd/my_printer/log.

Actually, I could print pdfs from gv -- finito, period.

I gave up; I issued an "apt-get cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client
cupsys-driver-gimpprint" and everything seems to have returned to the state of
hunky-dory for my epson C82, where it belongs.

I wanted to let you know that you are not alone.  The knowledge of a shared
experience is generally comforting to alcoholics, neurotics, wife beaters,
beaten wives, drug addicts, the obese, the unhappy and computer enthusiasts
before the inexplicably broken. 

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