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VT switching resolution xfree86 XF86_Switch_VT_1 xmodmap


recently I came across a problem ; 
no VT switching possible from X to console
no switching resolution possible 
no ctrl-alt-backspace possible.

no X control with hot keys, that is.

I'm using a custom dvorak map that i load at each startx.

after STFW (nothing appeared), i started 
playing with  :

xmodmap, xkeycaps,
setxkbmap -option -option ctrl:nocaps
setxkbmap -print
xmodmap -pke

I found that I was missing
some bindings in X :

keycode 0x43 =  F1              XF86_Switch_VT_1 F1
keycode 0x44 =  F2              XF86_Switch_VT_2        F2
keycode 0x45 =  F3      XF86_Switch_VT_3
keycode 0x46 =  F4      XF86_Switch_VT_4
keycode 0x47 =  F5      XF86_Switch_VT_5
keycode 0x48 =  F6      XF86_Switch_VT_6
keycode 0x49 =  F7      XF86_Switch_VT_7
keycode 0x4A =  F8              XF86_Switch_VT_8                F8
keycode 0x4B =  F9              XF86_Switch_VT_9                F9
keycode 0x4C =  F10             XF86_Switch_VT_10               F10
keycode 0x5F =  F11             XF86_Switch_VT_11               F11
keycode 0x60 =  F12             XF86_Switch_VT_12               F12
keycode 0x70 =  slash XF86_Ungrab
keycode 0x3F =  asterisk XF86_ClearGrab
keycode 0x52 =  minus XF86_Prev_VMode
keycode 0x56 =  plus XF86_Next_VMode

previously I had :

< keycode 0x43 =        F1              F1
< keycode 0x44 =        F2
< keycode 0x45 =        F3
< keycode 0x46 =        F4
< keycode 0x47 =        F5
< keycode 0x48 =        F6
< keycode 0x49 =        F7
< keycode 0x4A =        F8              F8
< keycode 0x4B =        F9              F9
< keycode 0x4C =        F10             F10
< keycode 0x5F =        F11             F1
< keycode 0x60 =        F12             F12

I never had them before (my xmodmap is in cvs).

I'm not sure what was the original cause.

Well, now it works well with this.

I'm posting here just in case someone has the same problem, I believe i saw 
some bugs that might be related.



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