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Re: postgresql with tcp/ip conection

I was looking into the /etc/init.d/postgres.

As I see, the postmaster is declared into the POSTMASTER
environment variable:


But it's not used in the script...
So I had looked the line

ERRMSG=$(/sbin/start-stop-daemon --pidfile $PGDATA/postmaster.pid --chuid postgres --startas /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postgresql-startup --start 2>&1)

I guess the postmaster is launched from here... and the users that
launches it is declared at argument --chuid postgres

You can look at there... if there is no place to put the
-i argument, to enable TCP/IP conection, perhaps you can
try put the -i argument directly into the POSTMASTER variable,
with double quotes:

POSTMASTER="/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster -i "

I hope it works...

Filipi Vianna
Laboratório de Mecânica Computacional (DEMM)
Faculdade de Engenharia - PUC-RS
telefone: (51) 3320-3500 ramal: 4053

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