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is it possible to change apt-get's access priorities?

(I think a bogus copy of this went out...  my apologies)

I'm on a dialup, and I have the Woody CD-ROM distribution,
so I want "apt-get" to first try to find packages on the CDs
before using the remote archive entries in "sources.list".
But as soon as I add an "http" entry to "sources.list",
it insists on trying the remote archive, and ignores the CD-ROM

Thus far, I can't find anything in the docs that explains
how to force it to first try the CD-ROMs and use remote
access as second priority.

If I delete the "http" (or whatever) remote archive entry
from "sources.list", that does force it to revert to CD-ROM,
but then when I do need to access anything from the "testing"
or "unstable" distributions, I have to reinstate the entries
in the sources.list file and then re-update apt-get with
the remote archive locations for the testing, etc., which
gets very boring and causes me to start drinking after a few
cycles of that at 1AM.

I also suspect that if it's looking on the remote archive for
a package, it will always look for all dependent packages on
the archive, and I'd rather it would look first on the CD-ROM
for those also.  In fact, I suspect that it's always looking
for the most recent copy of whatever it can find, and I'd rather
it would use what it can find on the CD-ROM unless the
dependencies demand the latest version...

(1) Is there a way to set it up to do these things, or am I going to
have to either (a) put up with downloading hundreds of megabytes
via dialup or (b) hack a solution together with dpkg and dselect ?

(2) if the answer to all this is somewhere in the documentation,
FAQs, list archives, etc. etc. I'd like to know where it is,
as extensive searching has thus far failed to reveal it.

I did find some syntax for setting "stable" as the default for
installs in the apt.conf file, which I thought *might* affect
its behavior w/r/t whether it would first look on the CD-ROM,
since the CD-ROM is ostensibly the only valid entry for "stable"
in the "sources.list" file, but apt-get didn't like the syntax.

If there's a more appropriate list for this posting, please let me
know; I didn't find a list dedicated to "apt", "dpkg", "dselect",
and the updating process...

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