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Re: help; Is C soon to be the programming lang. of the past?

On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 10:41:47PM -0400, Paul Tsai wrote:

| virtual machine.  However, .NET has a Just in Time compilator that is 
| performance is not really an issue, compared to Java being interpreted 
| thoughout the lifetime of the program, hence slower.  There is much more 

Java has at least one or two JITs available for it too.  I've never
had to care about that anyways, I just let it run however the default
is.  Regardless of JITs or compilers or not a bad (slow, etc.) program
can be written in any language.

Just use the right language for the right job and don't try and treat
any language as a silver bullet.  Also, the more languages you know
the better off you are because you'll have more tools available to you
and you'll understand a wider range of discussions and patterns.


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It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.
                                               -- Dave Parnas
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