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Console Fonts and Keymaps

hi there,

while i was trying to set up my keyboard's map by hand (which is a new mac
layout), i suddenly became very confused with how debian handles standards
compliant console fonts.

the default setup was SCREEN_FONT=lat0-sun16 in /etc/console-tools/config. this
confuses me. i have been googling to actually find out the differences between
all the Latin-X encodings, and i cannot find any documentation on what "Latin-0"
is (or what the sun part is)... everyone seems to just say it is the same as
Latin-9 why then are there 2 standards for the same thing? also, i do not like
this font set as it lacks many characters (such as the sterling symbol). and the
euro is decimal value 252, and not 164 as it should be in Latin-9

i decided that using Latin-9 would be the way to go, after seeing that it
contains the euro symbol. however, when i tried the fonts 
i could not see any euro! (what does the vuw mean?) and in fact, several
characters were still missing... such as the "section" symbol. (when i refer to
"section" in a keymap file, i get the "not equals" symbol printed out).

could somebody please help me select a standards compliant Latin-9 (iso-8859-15)
set of console fonts so that i can write my keymapping and have all the symbols
displayed!! (hopefully i won't have the same hassles with aterm fonts and X
fonts in general)

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