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Re: A bunch of questions

deb_milist wrote:

3. and how about the colorful console that has been made me jelous to those knoppix users ?

I assume you're talking about the boot-up process. That's a two-part thing.

The first part is having framebuffer enabled. As I understand it (and I _don't_ understand it), the framebuffer essentially turns your text console into a graphics-capable text console, sort of, in a way, kindda.

The second part is that Knoppix has customized tweaks in the boot-up scripts (/etc/rc*) that provide those colors. You can do the same thing with Debian, but it's not just a simple matter of editing a Yes/No question in some config file; it's a lot of customization. And the next time you upgrade your Debian box and those boot files get upgraded, boom, there go your customizations. Since this is Debian, I'm sure you can code a work-around for that, but again, there's some customization/programming involved.

If you just want colors, like say in your prompt at the command line, you can tweak your PS1 variable in your login scripts (~/.bashrc, etc). I've done that, but I also introduced a bug in my prompt so that at the bottom of the terminal window scrolling doesn't quite work right on long command lines. I've never bothered to fix it. Here's what my current PS1 line looks like as an example:

Thu Jun 24       07:16:54
westk[@westk03]:/home/westk> echo $PS1
\n\n\d \t\n-------------\n\[\033[1;34m\]\u\[\033[1;36m\][@\[\033[1;32m\]\H\[\033[1;36m\]]:\]\033[1;31m\]$PWD\[\033[1;36m\]> \[\033[0m\]

The date, time, dotted lines are normal black; the first "westk" is in blue; the brackets are light blue; the @hostname in the brackets is green; the path is red; and the final greater-than is light blue.

This way, if I log in with another user (such as root), I know I'm not my normal user. Alternatively, I could have coded my root's prompt to flash red as a warning not to do something stupid while root.

(PS; separating your questions into separate emails, with more descriptive subject lines, is more likely to get you responses.)


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