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Re: Gnome 2.6 volume control applet not seeing audio channels?

%% David Mesler <magik@erols.com> writes:

  dm> It didn't work for me either until I installed
  dm> gnome-media. Specifically I think it might be dependent on
  dm> gstreamer.

Thanks for the note.  I checked and gnome-media is already installed,
and it's the latest version.  I also looked and I have both gstreamer
(0.6.4) and gstreamer0.8 (0.8.1) installed.

Anyone have any other thoughts on this, or where to look for more clues?

I actually used the gconf editor and looked at the gnome-volume-control
section, and I _DO_ see the right stuff there; there's an OSS-Unknown-1
section which would be me OSS-compatibility modules, and also an
OSS_VIA_Technologies_VIA1612A-1 section which would be the direct ALSA
support for my sound card.  Inside those I see the various channels,
like cd, speaker, line, etc.

But, the runtime app doesn't seem to notice them :-/.

 Paul D. Smith <psmith@nortelnetworks.com>   HASMAT--HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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