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Re: SA going downhill

On Wednesday 16 June 2004 04:45, Antony wrote:
> Hi all,
>[ big snip]
> Is there anything that I can do about this?  I know about training it,
> but doesn't that need thousands of messages to work?
> A

Yes, training spamassassin requires thousands of messages to work, both ham 
messages and spam messages.  When I first installed spamassassin, it caught 
nothing.  I didn't realize that thousands meant thousands.  Once I got a 
thousand spam messages to train it on, it started working better and 
better.  My hit rate now is probably 75% or greater, with no false 
positives (I've only ever had one false positive).  I know 75% isn't 
awesome, but I'm being conservative, because I don't really track it that 
closely, and I don't want to mislead you into thinking it'll be perfect.  
But it's enough that I get most of my spams properly identified.

I don't have spamassassin set to autolearn, and I've noticed that right 
after I train it with the newest messages, it works great.  Then, new style 
spam comes out, and it does poorly for a bit.  I then train it on the 
newest spams, and it works great again.  That's what autolearn is for, I 
guess, but I'd rather not have to deal with false positives.  I could train 
it once a day via a cron job, but I haven't done that yet.

As always, your mileage may vary, but hopefully not that much!  :-)

Justin Guerin

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