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Re: OT Shell tricks: I'll kill you later

on Sun, May 23, 2004 at 01:18:01AM -0600, Bob Proulx (bob@proulx.com) wrote:
> Karsten M. Self wrote:
> >     while sleep 600
> >     do
> >         ps aux | awk '/[w]hois/ {print $2}' | ( sleep 30; xargs kill )
> >     done
> Clever.  I like the concept.  But I don't like the ps side of the
> implementation.  The format is slightly different depending upon the
> state of the process.  Also the search can match too much and kill
> similarly named processes.

The ps side is actually simplified from the command I've been using.  I
wanted to illustrate the sleep pipe rather than the expressions used to
limit the process list.  In practice, I filter out a few patterns which
*will* match (parents of the actual whois process), and I run the
command as a nonprivileged user (so the 'a' is unnecessary).  So at best
I can shoot myself in my own foot.

The sleep actually provides additional insurance.  The idea is to kill
long-lived processes.  Most of the potential collateral damange will
have terminated from other causes before the kill is issued.
> Personally I am more familiar with the SysV format rather than the BSD
> format.  'ps aux' is roughly equivalent to 'ps -ef'.  But you don't
> generally want the full output output for what you are doing.  Is
> there an equivalent to SysV 'ps -e' in the BSD format?  In any case
> that is a better format for looking for processes by name.  Then we
> can make the awk test a little more precise.
>   ps -e | awk '$NF == "whois" {print $1}' | ( sleep 30; xargs kill )
> That avoids the collateral damage from similarly named processes.  It
> avoids needing the [w]hois workaround nicely.  

That is pretty cool, yeah ;-)

> But a process which is named exactly the same can still be killed.  

Again:  sleep pretty much assures that this either won't happen, or
wouldn't be a bad thing.

Remember:  the whole idea of running this is to clear out any processes
which are too long lived.  A decent WHOIS query should return in 1-20
seconds, unless something's wrong.  My 30 second sleep is a little on
the short side, but will be pretty safe in practice.  Doubling that
would almost certainly avoid unintentional damage.

> I assume you are running this process as root and killing user
> processes would be undesireable.

No.  We practice the principle of least privilege here.

> Of course if it is run as a unique non-root user then the system
> permissions will prevent it from actually killing other proceses.  But
> we can avoid it even trying.  Let's select only our own processes with
> 'ps -u userid'
>   ps -u root | awk '$NF == "whois" {print $1}' | ( sleep 30; xargs kill )

> That avoids killing other user's processes.  It uses only standard
> utilities which is rather nice.  But there is a procps utility which
> can shorten things up a little.
>   pgrep -xu root whois | ( sleep 30; xargs kill )

> Personally I would probably leave the ps | awk in any script that I
> would write.  It uses only standard utilities and would work on other
> systems without change.  But on the commandline knowing it was
> available I would probably use the pgrep since it is simpler to type.
> Bob
> P.S. I really enjoyed your title.



Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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