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Re: Orderly shutdown of running programs when quitting X

on Sun, May 16, 2004 at 09:02:06AM -0700, William Ballard (40414.nospam@comcast.net) wrote:
> When I exit X or reboot from within X with shutdown, whatever running 
> programs are sort of rudely hung up.  Gnome apps and Mozilla that seem 
> to save state at File|Quit don't appear to.  Also sometimes my FGLRX 
> driver appears to lock up when I abruptly exit X (have to hard boot -- 
> can't switch to different virtual terminal).
> Is there a way to run a script before X exits, so that I can more 
> gracefully quit apps?  More like Windows; although rude apps such as 
> Outlook can "hang" quitting.

Why are you exiting X?

Do you know:

  - Multiple X sessions can run at the same time.  You can configure
    your X display manager ([xgkw]dm) to run multiple instances, or
    start additional ones from a console.  Switch between virtual
    consoles with <ctrl><alt><F 1-12>.

  - You can lock an X session with xscreensaver.

  - You can hibernate X with APM enabled on most reasonable laptops,

Typically, my X sessions run weeks to months.  Closing stuff down is
done rarely, and the state loss *is* a major PITA.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
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