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Re: Functions or aliases?

George Cristian Birzan wrote:

On Sun, May 09, 2004 at 10:12:17AM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

On 2004-05-08 22:00:38 -0400, alex wrote:

alias win+='mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1; cd /mnt/hda1; ls -aF --color=auto' (This is located in /root/.bashrc)


I've read that aliases should be limited to simpler
commands such as:
    alias cd..='cd ..'  or  alias lsl='ls -l'
and that aliases like my win+ should be structered as a function instead of an alias.

I agree.

Not really. You only need functions when doing more complex things. You
can only get the arguments passed when using a functions, and you can
only 'return' when using a function.

Oh. About unmounting, you could try something like:
alias win-='puhsd ~/; unmout /dev/hda1; popd', so you get back to where
you were when you run it.

I presume you meant pushd instead of puhsd. I just ran a trial on this tip and it doesn't seem to return to the state before win+ was executed -- /mnt/hda1 remains in the prompt. I've never had a problem with alias win-='cd; umount /mnt/hda1' so
I guess I'll stay with it.


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