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Re: sarge?

>On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 10:11:35PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> Sadly, we have *not* historically been in a
> position where we can just drop in the installer from the previous
> release and expect it to work...

>Carl Fink             carl@fink.to wrote:
>Fair enough.  I have only written installers for applications, not 
>systems, so I'm quite ignorant of these issues.  Could you clarify 
why the
>Woody installers can't install Sarge?

I have used the Woody mini-CD net install with the last two machines 
on which I've installed Debian. Both systems are running Sid without 
problems, and I expect it would have as easily installed Sarge had 
that been where I pointed /etc/apt/sources.list by hand.

I think the point is that all the packages on the mini-ISO have to be 
replaced, including the kernel, and the file system choices seem 
quite limited at formatting time although I've only used ext2. But 
that is only on i386 machines, which is a limitation. Suffice to say 
that the Woody install just doesn't measure up to the idea of 

I personally would be pushing the other way if I were making the 
decisions. While it would be nice if the front end looked the same, I 
believe the idea of "integrating" the installers for different 
architectures is a waste of effort.

In order to integrate and internationalize as much as possible, the 
installer must be re-written constantly. Heck, it has to be 
re-written constantly just to keep up with hardware changes in just 
one architecture! I wish the install developers great endurance, and 
I thank them for their efforts.


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
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