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Mutt, different index format for sent and inbox

How do you adjust muttrc to have different formats of its index, the one
for inbox or folders containing incoming mail looks fine, but the
"sent" folder, where the sent ones are kept, would be better to have
showing the 'To:' field instead of the 'From:' field, since obviously the
'From:' field tends to be the same person. Has anyone fixed that?
I tried following the instructions in 'man muttrc', but it affected
all the folders.
Thank you in advance.


|                                        |
|  	 \|||/                           |
|       ( * * )    Saludos de            |
|        \ & /     Antonio Rodríguez     |
|       [  ^  ]                          |
|      /   ^   \                         |
|     || :   : ||  tony@the-sphere.org   |
|                                        |

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