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Re: finding bugfixed version of unstable package?

On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 17:28:37 -0000
"Monique Y. Mudama" <spam@bounceswoosh.org> wrote:
> I'm sure I should know this ...
> Okay, I'm subscribed to the debian security announcement list, and I
> often see something like:
> [quote]
> For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem will be fixed soon.
> Refer to Debian bug #226103 for status information.
> [/quote]
> Given this information, how do I discover the *unstable* debian package
> version in which the bug is fixed?  It's not at all clear to me from
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=226103

OK, first, the short answer to your immediate question:  from my
reading of things, there *isn't* any version available to you in
which the bug is fixed.  The bug has a tag of "fixed" on it, but
that's not the same as the bug being closed.  That tag basically
means that the maintainers have fixed the problem, but for one
reason or another the fixed version isn't being made available
yet.  As I understand it, the tag "fixed" is meant to communicate
to other developers that there's no need for them to jump in and
help fix this problem, because it's fixed.

When a DD uploads a new version/revision of some package, the
changelog for that package will note if this revision fixed any
bugs.  See, for example, the changelog for the version of slocate
in unstable, at


You'll see some entries in the past that have at the end stuff
like "(closes: #152770)".  When the package is processed, the
software sees that in the changelog and automatically closes the
bug, attaching to the end of it a message that effectively says
"This bug has been fixed by the new revision numbered ________."
Take a look at the bug report for that bug, #152770, at


and note the very last message received.  The auto-generated
post closes the bug, explains that the bug is fixed in a new
version to appear in the archive, and includes the part of the
changelog that pertains to the new revision.

In the case of the bug you're interested in, you can see that the
bug hasn't been closed; that there's no reference to it being closed
in the changelog and no "This bug is now closed" message at the end
of the bug report page; and in fact, that the last changelog entry
for slocate dates from *before* when the bug in question was filed.

If it had been fixed, you could tell what version to get from either
the changelog or from the version number given in the auto-generated
closing message.  To find the changelog, just go to the page for the
package (the unstable version is best, because it'll have the full
changelog, rather than just up to the version in stable or testing);
there's a link for the changelog down the page, near where the link
to see all bugs on the package is placed.

As always, corrections from those more familiar with this than I
am are encouraged!


Chris Metzler			cmetzler@speakeasy.snip-me.net
		(remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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