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Re: Cleanly applying 3rd party patches to a make-kpkg kernel build

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Ryan Gustafson wrote:
| I've been doing regular sarge kernel builds (w/ debian kernel-source
| that already has debian patches applied) with 'make-kpkg', in which I
| need to apply some additional 3rd party patches.  My goal is to be able
| to have instructions others can follow for creating a custom kernel
| which requires only the use of standard debian commands without having
| to place the patch files anywhere but in your home directory and not
| contaminate a pristine debian installation with messy customizations.
| I combed the 'make-kpkg' man pages, and looked at the scripts (and a
| makefile if I recall correctly) which make this great tool work.  I was
| unable to find an option that would allow me to apply 3rd party
| patches.  I fact, it seems to only want to grab patches from under
| /usr/src/kernel-patches/ and they must be in 'apply/' and 'unpatch/'
| directories using the style outlined in the documentation.  If I
| understand correctly this is where various official debian kernel patch
| install themselves.
| Did I miss an option that would let 'make-kpkg' apply arbitrary
| patch(es) via 'patch' and some user supplied options and unpatch with
| 'patch -R' and some user supplied options?

As far as I know make-kpkg: there is no such "simple" patch option.
Instead you can make "kernel-patch-*" packages by using the
dh_installkpatches debhelper script (found in package "").

I took "kernel-patch-ipvs-2.4" from backports.org (source package) as an
example for my own kernel-patch-* packages.

After installing your self made kernel-patch-* packages you have to call
make-kpkg with the option "--added-patches <patchid>". The will be
applied and removed automatically (on configure and clean, respectivly).

| My solution to date is to add executable scripts into
| /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/x.x.x/{apply|unpatch} that would handle
| these custom patches when 'make-kpkg' was building.  But I'm not
| particular fond of that approach, as I'm dirtying up directories "owned"
| by other installed packages.

Let dh_installkpatches make the work for you.

~ Joachim

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