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Re: few debian questions!!

On Monday 29 March 2004 21.53, mehdi wrote:
> Hi
> I am new to debian but not to UNIX. I `ve been using HPUX unix (only
> as a user) for few years. There are some question for me and I be
> glade If anyone can help me on that.
> 1- Where does the third party software (such as GNU softwares) are
> installed in debian systems ? Is it /usr/local or /usr/?

Self-compiled stuff should go to /usr/local.

Note that you will find most software is already packaged in Debian.

> 2- Where can I found pre-compiled software for debian it seems all
> the software comes with the disks are very old one? I am looking for
> MYSQL. and latest gcc and perl and some other GNU stuff.

You'll need to make yourself familiar with the packaging system of 
Debian. Read the man pages of
 - apt-get
(most important commands: apt-get update, apt-get install, apt-get 
upgrade, apt-get remove)
 - apt-cache
(very useful: apt-cache search, apt-cache policy)
 - sources.list
(this is the main configuration file of the packaging 
system: /etc/apt/sources.list)
 - apt_preferences
(this is a bit more advanced, but very useful if you want to upgrade as 
little as possible, but still conveniently install newer software 
packages through the package management system).

The apt-dpkg-ref package contains a very useful short reference sheet, 
describing the most important commands. Do 'apt-get install 
apt-dpkg-ref' and then look at '/usr/share/doc/apt-dpkg-ref'.

Also, make sure you learn about how Debian is organized, I mean: Debian 
stable (currently woody, or Debian 3.0), Debian testing (currently 
sarge), and Debian unstable (sid). I guess a bit of googling or 
browsing around on the Debian web site should clear this up.

/usr/share/doc/<...> is generally worth looking at. You'll find 
Debian-specific information about the packages in the README.Debian 
file and the NEWS.Debian file, both are often very important to read.

apt-listchanges is a very useful package to have installed, too: it 
displays the changes in packages when you upgrade software packages.

> 3- Is there any information on how I can package binary on debian? I
> used to build depot for HPUX.

The Debian New Maintainers' Guide was pointed out. But again: when you 
want to install software that is publicly available, there is a very 
good chance that you don't have to make a package yourself.

-- vbi

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