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Gkrellm GrabWeather - fixed! :-)

This thing was broken since about January 2004, when it would complain
"500 LWP::Protocol::MyFTP: Bad hostname 'weather.noaa.gov' at
/usr/share/gkrellm/GrabWeather line 49."

I finally took the time to look into it and someone on google
mentioned it was dying on passive ftp.  He was right.  The suggestion
he offered was:


Not wishing to rely on that, I looked further down and noticed:

  my $cmd = qq{wget --proxy=off --passive-ftp --tries=0 --quiet } .

I deleted "--passive-ftp" from there, and now it's working as
advertised.  This is GKrellWeather 0.2.7, GKrellm 1.2.10-1, in woody.


Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)               http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling 
- -

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