Re: standalone home desktop user virus
On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 12:30:24AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> (Wanda Round) writes:
> > I know how to use F-Prot and Clamav as command-line scanners,
> > but is there any way to make them on-demand or on-all-the-time?
> I'm glad you asked!
Just curious about something.
If one has the following in 40_exim4-config_check_data:
deny message = $found_extension files are not accepted here
demime = bat:btm:cmd:com:cpl:dll:exe:lnk:msi:pif:prf:reg:scr:vbs:url:zip
Then your solution is not necessary right?
But your solution allows .zip and .exe files for your users right?
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