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gs ignoring -sPAPERSIZE on certain files

I am having problems converting a .pdf file created with 'letter'-size
paper to A4. (eg. <http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/16175.pdf>)

kghostview and gv, with every possible option set to 'a4', still produce
print jobs in 'letter' size, which (a) don't fit on the paper properly
and (b) cause the printer to stop and moan 'LOAD LETTER' at me,
requiring manual intervention before it will print. Even the following
foul hack:

# cd /usr/bin
# mv gs real-gs
# cat > gs
/usr/bin/real-gs -sPAPERSIZE=a4 ${*}
# chmod a+x gs

doesn't make any difference.

Trying to convert the file with 'pdf2ps -sPAPERSIZE=a4' still produces
a .ps file in letter size. Manually editing the lines '612 792 /letter
setpagesize' to '595 842 /a4 setpagesize' stops the printer moaning,
but still produces clipped printouts.

Trying to reprocess the .ps file with 'ps2ps -sPAPERSIZE=a4' also
doesn't work - the abovementioned setpagesize lines are still
specifying 'letter'.

I can get the file to print in a4 by using acroread, but the next time
I tried to print it locked X up; I killed X with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
and ended up with the keyboard not responding, so I had to hit the
reset button. Not pleasant... acroread also has the minor problem of
opening with a window which is larger than the screen size, grrr.

So, how can I get gs, which doesn't crash X, to convert the thing to a4?

Be kind to pigeons
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