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AW: [OT]Europe Supports Antitrust Ruling Against Microsoft

<You're totally missing the point about what's bothering me:

<We knew all this about [90% of Spain] before Thursday.  The polls showed
<the Popular Party ahead by 5 or 6 % points, and then by Sunday they were
<down 5 or 6% points.  Terrorists set out to accomplish this and they

Good!!! Hopefully more people will understand that getting to known each
other is better then voting for a government which supports a government
that simply invades another country (and become part of that incident),
without any permission. I just hope that more people will realize this, and
most hopefully we won't need another bomb attack for that. Besides the
opinion I have, is pretty common with most people here in Germany, because
we learned our "history" lesson.

<But clearly the Terrorists are succeeded in
<scaring the piss out of Europe.

To be honest this doesn't scare me as much as the political course Mister
Bush has taken on to.

<Don't throw up those old Bromides, we've heard all that.

Problem is, most of the Americans don't know what to think of it. I'm glad
that there are at least a few, who hold up their flags and blaming Bush for
his politics. I wish there were more of them, then we would stay a chance to
sort this problem out hand in hand.

As I said before don't get me wrong here, I love your country and the people
in it, but your foreign politics is crap. And it came back to you once
(WTC), and will continue coming back to you in the future if you don't talk
to the people but instead bomb their last habits to smitherines.

And yes, I got your point :-)


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