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Re: FW: New to debian and overwhelmed.

in addition to the other poster,

>/		100M
>/swap		512M
>/boot		15M
>/usr		5G
>/usr/local	5G
>/var		7G
>/tmp		100M
>/home		The remaining part of a 30G drive, approx 12G

You won't find that setup to be a good idea. Woody doesn't put great amounts 
of data to /usr/local (I just checked, my directory is 106 byte), so the 5G 
there are a bit of wasted there. If You don't have any important reason, I 
don't see, why You would like to split Your harddrive anyway (of course, 
besides swap).

>Should not have been a problem, right?  All of it went well, but at the end
>of the package installation it reported broken packages so I tried to
>reinstall them.  

This should not happen. Did You stay with one installation medium or could it 
possibly have happened, that You started the install from a debian stable 
source (woody, 3.0) and then somehow added some testing or even unstable data 
You can upgrade, usually without any pain, but be warned, You have to do it 
_right_ for apt to dissolve any dependencys. The debian way to do so, is to 
add the sources and run a apt-get dist-upgrade.

>The result was not only a failure, but without me altering 
>anything in dselect, it installed an additional 700M.  At the end of that,
>it reported the original broken packages, plus some additionals I never
>selected to install.  

It might happen, that the selection in dselect is not consistent with the 
actually installed packages, that is, You can select and deselect packages 
and they will stay in their selected but uninstalled state until You choose 
to install them.

>So I tried then to uninstall all the broken packages, 
>and install some others, and it seemed to go okay, though the amount of disk
>space required, as reported by dselect was exceptionally high.  

You should note, that dselect shows You (when hinting towards a dependency) 
all three types of dependencys, but marks only the "required" ones. So it is 
usually quite safe to rely on the dependency selection, dselect proposes.

>Why is the setup/package installation system installing things I didn't ask

Usually not. Unless You did that "install all dependencys, even not requierd 
ones" You installation should not exceed 5G and dselect usually doesn't 
install any other packages than You select or are required.
On my system /usr is around 700M with all bells and whistles installed You 
need for a comfortable working.

A good man always knows his limitations.
		-- Harry Callahan

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