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Re: After XFree/KDE upgrades fonts shrunk about 5 points

On Wednesday 10 March 2004 8:09 pm, Josh Metzler wrote:
> I recommend 
> setting the DisplaySize parameter in the Monitor section in your 
> XF86Config-4.  This will result in X setting the true dpi of your monitor.
I did this:
DisplaySize     382 279
(my screen is 15" horz x 11" vert
but nothing... 
Am I doing it wrong?

I am tempted to add the -dpi 100 line back into 

Native Amerindian societies assigned the roles of warrior to their males and
torturer to their females, as does psychology. I got better and so did she,
though she still attends those 12-Step meetings lest bad memories of me
return. --  Uncle Al <http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal>

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