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XMMS Error After Compile of kernel 2.6.3

Hello All,

I've just compiled kernel 2.6.3 and have things running pretty well. 
However now when I try to start XMMS I get the following error:

libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or

** Warning **: alsa_get_mixer(): Attaching to mixer hw:1 failed: No such

I've even removed XMMS with apt and re-installed it but I still get the
error and I'm at a loss on what my next step would be.  XMMS used to
work fine before the new kernel was installed.

I googled for the error as listed but was not very informative or for
that matter not a lot of returns for this error.  If anyone can give me
some ideas or a fix that would be greatly appreciated.


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"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one"
        - A. Einstein (1879-1955)

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