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dhcpd configuration


First, I'm not sure if this is the correct mailing list.  I couldn't find
a better one like deiban-clustering or debian-beowulf, but if there is,
please let me know.

A couple of friends are attempting to set up a beowulf cluster on debian.
I've currently installed dhcpd on a computer that will act as a server
(why, I don't know, this is what i've been told by a friend.  He said
it was critical for the beowulf server to have a computer give out ip
addresses just to that.)  We are currently having problems with this.

All the computers are being attached to preexisting network.  There is
another dhcp server on the same network.   We need to be able to have
the beowulf clients only get a valid ip address from the one beowulf dhcp
server that we set up.  Right mow, the clients rotate between our beowulf
dhcp and the network's preexisting one.  Unfortuantely, I do not hvae,
and will nto get administrative privileges on the preexisting dhcp server.
Is there some configuration I can give to the dhcp clients to tell them
which dhcp server to use?

If this is completely not the correct way to do this, let me know an
easier way.


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