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Re: Partitioning Scheme for New 120GB Hard Drive -- Comments?

On Fri, Feb 13, 2004 at 01:24:33PM -0500, Paul Morgan wrote:
> Consider using LVM, for all your Linux filesystems except the root
> filesystem.  Then you can adjust the size if you guess wrongly.
> I am running 2x40GB and 4x80GB drives.  The 80GBs are split into 4G
> physical partitions, which gives me a lot of flexibility within LVM for
> moving things around - you probably don't need to mess with quite so many
> partitions, but when you can glue physical pieces together in LVM, small
> physical partitions give you a bit more flexibility in terms of
> granularity.

I'm just about to being setting up a RAID1.  I'd appreciate views on:

	Can you mix lvm and RAID?  
	Does it make sense?
	Would it be just too much complexity?


Mark Kent

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