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Re: Fonts, one more time

On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 02:50:24AM -0800, halbtaxabo-debian@yahoo.com wrote:

<typical pointless rant deleted>

> What does it take to fix this problem?

You to get off your duff and do it.  No offense.

*You* think there's a problem.  *You* apparently think there's a solution
for it.  Why do you think the nebulous "they" should be out there
implementing it for you?

If people agreed with you, it'd be getting done.  Not that it isn't, of
course... good work is being done on getting good font rasterizers
implemented, and good font technologies developed.  But that's not what
you want... you said as much.

Personally, "users" have no business messing with fonts in the first place.
They "use" what they're given.  But then no one ever agrees with me anyway.

 Marc Wilson |     well-adjusted, adj.: The ability to play bridge or
 msw@cox.net |     golf as if they were games.

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