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Re: saving .debs to their original name

> Why?  It might change, and you don't need it.  apt-get --print-uris
> gives you the URI and the filename.  Since you have both, you can
> either use wget's -O to put it in the right place when downloading,
> or rename things to the correct filename afterwards.

In http://jidanni.org/comp/apt-offline/index_en.html I was thinking of
using wget -i on e.g., the unfamiliar Windows environment, where I
might not have all that flexibility. Or maybe I needn't worry about
renaming, anyway e.g. if I were to use dpkg-scanpackages later.

Therefore, if why apt-get --print-uris gives alternative names were
documented, we might better understand the dangers of saving to the
original names. However, I cannot submit http://bugs.debian.org/231776

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