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Re: Better program than Putty?

Steve Lamb wrote:

Mark Maas wrote:

Does anyone use a program that can handle "cut and paste", handle ascii art better etc?

Uhm, exactly how does it do it wrong? PuTTY here works fine for C&P, etc. I've been using it daily for years and C&P to and from it hundreds of times a day. Ex:

{grey@teleute:~} uptime
 11:25:24 up 5 days,  9:37,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

    Note the headers on the client.  :P

Hi and thanks for the quick answer!

Yes indeed I used that numerous of times as well, but it means that you put the keyboard in "scterm" mode, but that in turn means some ascii characters like the ones used by "display" and "mc" (Midnight Commander) won't show right, its all garbled?

Trying to find to words to explain this better...

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