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exim4-configuration question

Given the following setup:

                        MX 10      mailserver 1  
 _______________     ____________/
| Internet      |---| spamscanner|         MX 20
 ---------------     ------------\
				   mailserver 2 

Malservers 1 and 2 are our current MX 10 domain.

I have to set up spamscanner in a very short time.  It's sole function
will be to reject mail that spamassassin identified as spam and pass
the rest on to mailserver 1 and 2.  I have decided to use sarge
because of the availability of exim4 and exiscan-acl.

I have a few questions and I am reading a lot to find out how to
handle it, but help from this list might speed up my progress.

1. In the exiscan documentation I read "you must set the spamd_address
   option Section 1 of the exim configuration as follows (example):"

   Where is Section 1 in the new fragmented form of configuration?

2. Will the following router do the job (adapted from the FAQ)?

        driver = manualroute
	  transport = remote_smtp
	  route_list = mailserver1 : mailserver2

3. How will exim on spamscanner "know" do divide the mail aproximately
   equally between the two mailservers?

Thanks for your help.

Johann Spies          Telefoon: 021-808 4036
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

     "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of 
      temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of
      judgment to be punished;"            II Peter 2:9 

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