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Re: installing matplot lib & dependancies

Em Qui, 2004-01-22 às 16:23, Luc Lefebvre escreveu:

> If I do "apt-get -s install fonttools" I get the warning that the following packages will be removed:
> garchiver gnome-core-devel icewm-control-panel liblinc-dev python-gdk-imlib
>     python-glade python-gnome python-gtk python-xmlbase

	Does apt-get -t testing gives the same stuff?  You could also try from
unstable, or even experimental if you like.

> How can I determine if removing any of these would be a "bad" thing for me.

	apt-cache show or showpkg <package> should tell you what it is and what
depends on it.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra <ldutra@prefeitura.sp.gov.br>
Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo
Governo Eletrônico, Telecentros                  +55 (11) 5080 9647
http://br.geocities.com./lgcdutra/               +55 (11) 5080 9648

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