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Re: error message "unknown keyword in syslinux.cfg"

Roelof Wobben wrote:


I have downloaded the bootdisk from the dutch ftp-site. After that i put them on disk. No problem so far. I put the rescue disk in my floppy-drive and reboot the computer.

You're referring to a "rescue" disk, such as: http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/woody/main/disks-i386/current/images-1.44/rescue.bin

After that I see a welcome and then several times the message "unknown keyword in syslinux.cfg"
Then the boot :
I press the enter button and linux.bin is loaded.
when this is ready nothing is happening :(

I tried to make the disk another time with another mirror.

You first made the disk from WinXP? Did you use the "rawrite2.exe" tool to do so?

Make the disk with suse-linux but with no luck.
Make the disk on another computer.

Have you tried a different floppy? I've gone through four different floppies on one occasion before I found one that works; even if all else indicates that the floppy is not damaged, installing Debian via floppies often finds that such disks are indeed less than perfect.

Who knows the solution to this problem.??

My system is now:

AMDk6 processor.
248 MB memory
Dual boot with XP and Suse Linux 9.0

With a machine this nice, surely you have a working CD-ROM drive? If that's the case, I'd highly recommend you give up on the floppy-based method (takes something like 16 floppies, very tiresome, troublesome, then you still only have a minimal base setup) and go for the netinstall CD method instead. See http://www.debian.org/distrib/netinst (although now I see you can do a floppy-based netinstall which only takes a couple of floppies, so perhaps the first part of this paragraph isn't so appropriate after all).


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