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solved: cdrdao, atapi, k3b

Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

> In the kde users list there was a thread (I got late to it) about
> certain version of cdrdao used in Redhat being able to use atapi
> interface. cdrdao I think is behind k3b. My question: Does anyone know
> anything about this? I would be glad if I could use cdrdao with atapi.
As requested by Antonio via mail, here is my how-to for Debian unstable:
I downloaded the Red Hat 9 RPM packages for cdrdao 1.1.8-pre2 at
http://k3b.xcyb.org/. Of course take the rpm which matches your processor.
after "cat cdrdao-1.1.8-pre2.xcyb.2.rh9.athlon.rpm | rpm2cpio | pax -r"
you'll find a directory "usr/bin" in the directory you called the command.
In this directory you'll find the cdrdao-executable "cdrdao".
Now rename "/usr/bin/cdrdao" to anything like "/usr/bin/cdrdao.debian"
and copy the extracted "cdrdao" to "/usr/bin".
Change the access-rights to the same like "cdrdao.debian" and you're done.
After starting k3b it should now accept any atapi cd/dvd-rom as reader.

This should work on every linux-distribution.

Hope this helps.


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