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Re: Midnight Commander: A full desktop, or application

Charles Muller wrote:

A recent post to the list recommended Midnight Commander on the
desktop. I went to their site to read the explanation and look at some
screen shots. From what I could see, it is not clear whether MC
completely *replaces* Gnome as one's desktop, or if it more like a
sophisticated file manager that one can utilize while working on another
DM like Gnome or KDE. ?


What's the address of "their site"? I'm curious to see what you saw.

mc (Midnight Commander) is a text-based file manager; as such, it certainly would not replace a gui desktop environment such as Gnome. A gui version of mc is gmc (Gnome Midnight Commander), but again, it's just a file manager, not a replacement for window manager/tools/etc.

   apt-cache show mc
   apt-cache show gmc
will give you more info.


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