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DHCP over bridge between WiFi and wired

I have a WAP which serves DHCP requests.
I have a laptop with an 802.11b interface.  The laptop connects
to the WAP and gets its IP address via DHCP.
I have another device (Grandstream BudgeTone-101, a non-wireless SIP
phone) which uses DHCP as it boots.
The laptop has an otherwise-unused wired ethernet interface.
I would like to use the laptop as a bridge, thus allowing the SIP
phone to plug into the laptop while I'm laying in bed.

    $ grep -A9 br0 /etc/network/interfaces

    iface br0 inet dhcp
	    pre-up egrep --silent '^3c59x' /proc/modules || modprobe 3c59x
	    pre-up /etc/init.d/pcmcia start || true
	    pre-up cardctl insert || true
	    pre-up ifconfig eth0 down || true
	    pre-up ifconfig eth1 down || true
	    bridge_ports all
	    bridge_maxwait 5
	    bridge_stp on

The bridge seems to work fine, except that the SIP phone never gets
its IP address.  Ie DHCP does not seem to completely cross the bridge.

Any hints?
Barak A. Pearlmutter <barak@cs.may.ie>
 Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

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