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Re: adding an attatchment using the mail command?

Mark C. <lists@funkypenguin.net> writes:

>I run a nightly cronjob to back up certain system files, for the life
>of me I cannot add them as an attatchment, when I mail to files to
>myself, they always got put into the message body.  Reading the man
>pages gives no indication of how to do this, and I'm not sure if you
>can with the 'mail' command (I suppose sendmail would be the other
>and googling fails to come up with the correct results (probally my
>search string).

I always do something like this:

  mutt -a some_file -a other_file ... some@address.com < mesage_body.txt

and works pretty good :-)

Cristian Gutierrez			http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~crgutier
crgutier[@]dcc.uchile.cl                        Jabber:crgutier@jabber.org

the premature program optimization is the root of all evils

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