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Re: 2.6 kernel: module cannot be unloaded

scripsit Monique Y. Herman:
> On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 at 21:46 GMT, Thanasis Kinias penned:

> > OK, I recompiled and enabled that...  (Aside:  Lots of possible
> > gotchas switching to 2.6...)
> Please elaborate!

Well, I didn't mean to be melodramatic ;)

The biggest one for me is that OpenAFS is apparently completely unusable
with a 2.6 kernel, so my machines with AFS home directories have to stay
with 2.4 for now...

The others have to do with ALSA, the new module format, and the default
config.  I never used ALSA before, so I had to do a bit of learning
there to get sound working.  The new module format means that modconf is
unusable, and I haven't got my head quite around how the /etc/modprobe.d
differs from /etc/modutils, for example.  It's not a big problem, it
just requires taking the time to read a bit.  Finally, the default
config of Sid's 2.6.0-test9 has a lot of things disabled that I didn't
expect, so I had do do a few recompiles before I got a usable kernel.
Unloading modules, as came up here, was one; sound support was another.
There were a couple others as I recall, but I didn't keep notes and
deleted the useless kernels that resulted from my flailing about...

Pax vobiscum; pax cum omnibus.

Thanasis Kinias
tkinias at asu.edu
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

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