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2.6 kernel: module cannot be unloaded


I'm using a 2.6 kernel I compiled from the Debian source package, and
encountering some odd behaviour.  I cannot unload modules--I get:

    Module foo cannot be unloaded due to unsafe usage in

This results in having a lot of cruft in the kernel.  Is this a feature
of the state of the 2.6 kernels at the moment (i.e., not fully
release-ready) or have I miscompiled something?  I've not encountered it
before, and searching LKML and Debian archives didn't find me anything

Also, as a side issue I'm not seeing the vaunted desktop performance
increases I keep hearing about.  On a 2.6 GHz P-IV system (512 MB RAM),
2.6 seems if anything a bit more sluggish than 2.4.  Is there an obvious
thing I should be changing from the default Debian config here?

Pax vobiscum; pax cum omnibus.
Thanasis Kinias
tkinias at asu.edu
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

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