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Re: OT Tape backup recomendations

On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 06:00, Haines Brown wrote:
> You say you want a "new backup system," and did not specify it should
> be tape. 
> I recommend that you consider an external USB drive for backups. It is
> the cheapest method you could use in terms of cost/mb, and does not
> run the danger of proprietary standards (I've got a bunch of old OS/2
> DAT tapes I'd like to access, but that will not be easy, no longer
> having the commercial software, etc.). With tapes, you are probably
> stuck using the one machine that has the drive, while an external
> drive can be moved to any machine.    

The one difference is that you used dedicated software, whereas
on "Unix", he'd just be writing a gzipped tar ball onto an ANSI
formatted tape that any other "Unix", OpenVMS or mainframe with 
the same hardware can read.

The big knock against disks as backup is that he'd need 14(!!) disk
drives (one for each night, so that if "last night's disk" dies,
he can go to the previous night's tape, and recover most of the 

Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@cox.net
Jefferson, LA USA

The difference between drunken sailors and Congressmen is that
drunken sailors spend their own money.

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